Venue: Summit clear filter
Friday, April 11

9:00am MDT

Opening Remarks
Friday April 11, 2025 9:00am - 9:15am MDT
avatar for Tom Stones

Tom Stones

Grade 8 teacher at Innisfail Middle School in Innisfail, Alberta
Friday April 11, 2025 9:00am - 9:15am MDT

9:15am MDT

Hamish Brewer Keynote #1
Friday April 11, 2025 9:15am - 10:30am MDT
Session Description Coming Soon!!

Hamish Brewer

Hamish Brewer is a powerful and positive disruptor who transcends the status quo and typical norms in leadership and education. Mr Brewer is a globally recognized advocate who built his reputation on results and performance, becoming affectionately known as the Relentless, Tattooed... Read More →
Friday April 11, 2025 9:15am - 10:30am MDT

10:45am MDT

ATA Science Council presents Oreo Cookies and Scientific Method
Friday April 11, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am MDT
This is a very hands on session! With the advent of a new science curriculum, there is a new organization and format to the science curriculum. One of the new Organizing Ideas is the Scientific Method. I will show you how to offer an engaging 2-3 week unit. Can you let go of sage on the stage and help guide your students through an engaging investigation? Let me show you how with this highly engaging investigation. We will then explore ways that scientific inquiry can be incorporated into other organizing ideas for various grade levels.
avatar for Michelle Savoie

Michelle Savoie

Secretary (6-9 science teacher), Pembina Hills
Michelle Savoie is a passionate science teacher of grade 6-9 students at Eleanor Hall School in Clyde for the last 17 years. She lives in Edmonton with her husband and son. When not spending time with her family, she enjoys advocating for our colleagues as the local president for... Read More →
Friday April 11, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am MDT

1:00pm MDT

Dr. Phil McRae Keynote
Friday April 11, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, middle school students are more connected than ever before. This session explores the impact of digital media on the social, emotional, and cognitive development of young adolescents. We will examine the challenges and opportunities of growing up in a digital world, including screen time, social media influence, and digital literacy. Educators will gain insights into guiding students toward healthy digital habits while leveraging technology to enhance learning and creativity. Join us to learn strategies for supporting students as they navigate their digital lives.
avatar for Phil McRae

Phil McRae

Associate Coordinator, Research, The Alberta Teachers' Association
Dr. Phil McRaeDr. Philip McRae is Executive Staff Officer and Associate Coordinator, Government-Research with the Alberta Teachers’ Association and Adjunct Professor within the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta where he earned his Ph.D. Phil is an internationally... Read More →
Friday April 11, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm MDT

2:00pm MDT

AI as Catalyst: Empowering Minds, Not Replacing Them
Friday April 11, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
How can AI enhance learning without diminishing the role of human thought? This session explores AI’s potential as a catalyst for deeper learning and creative problem-solving—one that supports and strengthens critical thinking rather than replacing it.
Drawing from personal experience, curated insights from educators and edtech professionals, and emerging classroom practices, we’ll examine how AI can help students develop the skills they need to navigate an AI-infused world while still fostering independent thought and engagement.

Attendees will walk away with:
Practical strategies for integrating AI to enhance—not diminish—critical thinking and creativity.
Examples of AI uses that scaffold learning, support student-driven exploration, and spark innovative thinking.
Key considerations for guiding students to use AI as a collaborative thinking partner rather than an answer machine.
A realistic conversation about what’s working, what’s not, and what’s worth exploring.

This session will be primarily presentation-based, with opportunities for brief audience engagement to spark reflection and discussion. Designed for K-12 educators it will provide practical, experience-driven ideas in a 45-minute format.
avatar for Jennifer McCormick

Jennifer McCormick

Secondary Teacher, Golden Hills School Division
Jennifer’s 20-plus years of experience as a high school teacher and explorer of the leading edge of educational technology gives her deep insights into the dynamic world of AI in education.
Friday April 11, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT

3:00pm MDT

The Missing Ingredient- Claiming the Power of Classroom Circles
Friday April 11, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT
Do you hear these comments from teachers who do classroom circles? " My students don't take circles seriously.They still goof off.  Some students always pass and refuse to join in the conversation. I have way too many students to do circles."
This workshop will provide ways to allow both teachers and students to take ownership of classroom circles so they create a difference in the learning and teaching environment. It  will demonstrate how to use both small and large circles integrating them into their  classroom methodology rather than circles being an additive to their teaching pedagogy. The workshop will be participatory, provide handouts show videos and provide resources.

Agnes Struik

Restorative Circles
Friday April 11, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm MDT

8:00pm MDT

MYC Friday Night Social
Friday April 11, 2025 8:00pm - 11:00pm MDT
Friday April 11, 2025 8:00pm - 11:00pm MDT
Saturday, April 12

9:00am MDT

What's in Ted's Head
Saturday April 12, 2025 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
With over 30 years of experience as a teacher and administrator, Ted Hutchings has seen it all. In this engaging and inspiring session, Ted shares his insights into reaching and teaching kids, positively impacting staff, and making the teaching profession better for everyone. Drawing from his wealth of experience, Ted offers practical strategies, heartfelt stories, and a healthy dose of humor to help educators navigate the challenges of today’s classrooms. Join us to learn from Ted’s journey and walk away with renewed passion and purpose for teaching.
avatar for Ted Hutchings

Ted Hutchings

Academic/Career Counselor, MYC
Ted is a past president of MYC and a devoted advocate for middle level education. For the past 32 years he has had a variety of roles - teacher, team leader, vice principal, principal, and academic/career counselor. He is also a devoted advocate for good beer.
Saturday April 12, 2025 9:00am - 9:50am MDT
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