Friday April 11, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT
Come learn about the design thinking process taught at Shad Canada (a summer STEAM program) and how an authentic social innovation challenge can be a motivating experience for students. Alvina (Shad Canada) and Wanda (Aurora Academic Charter School) will share how they supported Grade 9 students in ideating, storyboarding, designing, building and presenting prototypes of their ideas to a Shark Tank-style judging panel.  
Educators will leave this session with ideas on how to build problem solving, collaboration and creativity into assignments about real-world issues facing society.

Alvina Mardhani-Bayne

Alvina Mardhani-Bayne is Shad's Education Engagement & Recruitment Manager, and travels across Canada to support educators. Prior to joining Shad, Alvina was an Assistant Professor at MacEwan University. She holds a PhD in Literacy Education from Syracuse University.
Friday April 11, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm MDT

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